Join the 2020 Census Team
Census Takers $21.50 per Hr.
Texas Workforce Solutions Mobile Unit
112 W 2nd St, Denver City
2020Census field operations have been temporarily suspended, but we still need thousands of #Census takers once operations resume. Text JobsNow to 313131 to #ShapeYourFuture.
You can respond to the #2020Census online at You can also respond by phone and by mail. #ShapeYourFuture
YouTube Video Link:
Respond to the #2020Census now at If you need help with languages, visit #ShapeYourFuture
Here is the YouTube video to use:
Message: Why respond to the #2020Census? #Census data helps states and communities get its fair share of billions of dollars in federal funding. #ShapeYourFuture
YouTube Link:
Competitive Wages
Could you use extra income? Jobs for the 2020 Census offer competitive wages that are paid weekly. Authorized expenses, such as mileage, are reimbursed for employees doing field work.

Support Your Community
Census results are used to determine your representation in Congress, and they help inform how billions of dollars are distributed for hospitals, schools, roads, and more. Help ensure that everyone in your community is counted in the 2020 Census.

Fit Your Schedule
Temporary positions for the 2020 Census feature flexible hours—a perfect fit if you are looking to earn extra money, even if you already have other commitments.

Be a Part of History
Every 10 years since 1790, the United States has undertaken the momentous task of counting its population. This is your chance to play a role.
or call 1-855-JOB-2020