Demographics and Census

Find summary demographic information for Denver City, Texas according the latest date from the U.S. Census Bureau. For both Denver City and Yoakum County.

demographics and census
Population and Ethnicity Data
Category Denver City (2010 Census) Yoakum County (2013 Estimate)
Population 4,479 8,160 (2013 estimate)
Male 2,323 (50%) 4,056 (49.7%)
Female 2,322 (50%) 4,104 (50.3%)
White (Non-Hispanic) 1,521 (34%) 2,872 (35.2%)
Hispanic 2,836 (63.3%) 5,092 (62.4%)
Black 45 (1%) 122 (1.5%)
Other 77 (1.7%) 74 (0.8%)



Education Attainment (25 years and older)
Education Denver City (2010 Census) Yoakum County (2013 estimate)
High School or higher 67.4% 70.3%
Bachelor’s degree or higher 14% 15%
Graduate or professional degree 2.6%


Find more quick facts at the U.S. Census Bureau.

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